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Another cool feature of WP-FastEndpoints is the support for middlewares.

Middlewares are pieces of code that can either run before and/or after a request is handled.

At this stage, you might be already familiar with both the schema(...) and returns(...) middlewares. However, you can also create your own.

use Wp\FastEndpoints\Contracts\Middleware;

class MyCustomMiddleware extends Middleware
    * Create this function if you want that your middleware is
    * triggered when it receives a request and after checking
    * the user permissions.
    public function onRequest(/* Type what you need */)

    * Create this function when you want your middleware to be
    * triggered before sending a response to the client 
    public function onResponse(/* Type what you need */) {

// Attach middleware to endpoint
$router->get('/test', function () {
    return true;
->middleware(new MyCustomMiddleware());

You can create both methods in a middleware: onRequest and onResponse. However, to save some CPU cycles only create the one you need [CPU emoji]


If you need you can also take advantage of either WP_Error and WP_REST_Response to send a direct response to the client. See Responses page for more info