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When building an API sometimes we want to return a response directly to the client. For example:

$router->get('/posts/(?P<ID>[\d]+)', function ($ID) {
    return get_post($ID);
->returns('Posts/Get');  // It will raise a 422 HTTP error when we are unable to find a post

The code above, will raise a 422 HTTP status code error when ever we are unable to find a given post. This is where returning a message directly to the client can be useful.

Early return

To trigger those scenarios we can either return a WP_Error or a WP_REST_Response.

$router->get('/posts/(?P<ID>[\d]+)', function ($ID) {
    $post = get_post($ID);
    return $post ?: new WP_REST_Response("No posts found", 404);
->returns('Posts/Get');  // This will not be triggered if no posts are found
$router->get('/posts/(?P<ID>[\d]+)', function ($ID) {
    $post = get_post($ID);
    return $post ?: new WpError(404, "No posts found");
->returns('Posts/Get');  // This will not be triggered if no posts are found

Difference between returning WP_REST_Response or WP_Error

The main difference between returning a WP_Error or a WP_REST_Response is regarding the JSON returned in the body.

"No posts found"
    "error": 404,
    "message": "No posts found",
    "data": {
        "status": 404