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Release Notes


Three new filters that allows us to customise our JSON schema validator's.

  • fastendpoints_validator - Triggered by both middlewares
  • fastendpoints_schema_validator - Only triggered for Schema middlewares validators
  • fastendpoints_response_validator - Only triggered for Response middlewares validators
use Opis\JsonSchema\Validator;

add_filter('fastendpoints_validator', function (Validator $validator): Validator {
    $formatsResolver = $validator->parser()->getFormatResolver();
    $formatsResolver->registerCallable('integer', 'even', function (int $value): bool {
        return $value % 2 === 0;

    return $validator;


For more customisations check the following links: 1. Custom formats, 2. Custom filters, 3. Custom media types and, 4. Custom content encoding


Using JSON/opis schema loader and resolver which allows us to reference schemas inside other schemas.

// Now we also need to set a prefix while appending a directory. This prefix
// will be used to reference schemas from inside another schema.
$router->appendSchemaDir('/my-dir', '');


Dependency injection support in main handler, middlewares and permission handlers.

// In the past, the $request parameter was mandatory:
$router->get('/posts/(?P<ID>[\d]+)', function (WP_REST_Request $request) {
    return $request->get_param('ID');

// Now you only type what you need
$router->get('/posts/(?P<ID>[\d]+)', function ($ID) {
    return $ID;
// Middleware changes
class MyCustomMiddleware extends \Wp\FastEndpoints\Contracts\Middleware {
    public function onRequest(/* Type what you need e.g. $request */) {
        // Called before handling the request
    public function onResponse(/* Type what you need e.g. $response, $request */) {
        // Called after the request being handled


  • 100% test coverage
  • Integration tests
  • Middleware support
  • Upgraded PHP version to 8.1
  • Full support for WordPress 6.x versions
  • Updated both Response and Schema to a middleware
// Middleware example
class MyCustomMiddleware extends \Wp\FastEndpoints\Contracts\Middleware {
    public function onRequest(\WP_REST_Request $request): ?\WP_Error {
        // Called before handling the request
        return null;
    public function onResponse(\WP_REST_Request $request, mixed $response): mixed {
        // Called after the request being handled
        return $response;


Initial release - don't use it!