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Service Provider

Now that we have our posts router built the last main three bits missing are the following:

  1. Create a main router to hold all sub-routers (e.g. posts router)
  2. Specifying where to look for the JSON schemas (one or multiple directories) and
  3. Lastly, register the router. This is what adds the rest_api_init hook for registering all the endpoints.

namespace MyPlugin\Providers;

use Wp\FastEndpoints\Router;

class ApiProvider implements ProviderContract
    protected Router $appRouter;

    public function register(): void
        $this->appRouter = new Router('my-plugin', 'v1');
        $this->appRouter->appendSchemaDir(\SCHEMAS_DIR, '');
        foreach (glob(\ROUTERS_DIR.'/*.php') as $filename) {
            $router = require $filename;


Adding the schema directory to the main router will share it across all sub-routers.

It's running

๐ŸŽ‰ Congrats you just created your first set of REST FastEndpoints

Now let's see how to test it out! ๐Ÿ˜„

Full source code can be found at matapatos/wp-fastendpoints-my-plugin ยป