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Multiple Root Dirs

For most projects, all JSON schemas might be kept inside a single root directory, like:

│   │
│   └───Api
│   │   │
│   │   └───Schemas  // Root dir
│   │       │
│   │       └───Posts
│   │       │   │   (...)
│   │       │
│   │       └───Users
│   │           │   (...)

However, when your API starts to grow you might end up having the need for multiple root directories.


Let's imagine that your API consists on two different versions: v1 and v2, like the following:

│   │
│   └───Api
│   │   │
│   │   └───v1
│   │   │   └───Schemas  // V1 JSON schemas root dir
│   │   │       │
│   │   │       └───Posts
│   │   │           │   (...)
│   │   │
│   │   └───v2
│   │       └───Schemas  // V2 JSON schemas root dir
│   │           │
│   │           └───Posts
│   │               │   (...)

In this case scenario your code would look something like this:

$router->appendSchemaDir(MY_PLUGIN_DIR.'Api/v1/Schemas', '');
$router->appendSchemaDir(MY_PLUGIN_DIR.'Api/v2/Schemas', '');

Then in all your endpoints you will have to specify the full schema prefix. It's important that you specify the full prefix because we can't guarantee the order or even if the same schema directory is returned all the time.

$router->get('/test', function(){return true;})
$router->get('/test', function(){return true;})